Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Pressure Cooking Can Help You In Several Ways

Thinking of brining a pressure cooker home? You are actually towards making a rewarding deal with your health, and money as well. Pressure cookers are outstanding kitchen aids, and becoming the must-have kitchen pan in the modern homes. There are innumerable factors contributing to the significant growth of these kitchen aids.

One of the biggest problems that families face is the money, and a major challenge in this regard is the fuel expenses coupled with the expenses of feeding the entire household. It is even more troublesome when it comes to feeding a large family. If you wish to make substantial cuts in the expenses, then having a pressure cooker is a must. Pritam International, a leading pressure cooker manufacturer in Delhi, explains a few facts:

Yes, pressure cooking is the most convenient and inexpensive way of feeding a family. Using a pressure cooker, you can reduce the overall cooking time which saves fuel and ultimately money. Bring these kitchen gadgets, and you can save as much as 70% of cooking time and thus fuel expenses.

Bring home in a stainless steel pressure cooker, and you will be able to cook everything – from green veggies to various cuts of meats – just to serve tender, flavour some and sumptuous meal. Even more impressive – while saving expenses on fuel, pressure cooking also ensures conservation of nutrients while cooking. Thus, you eat healthier while taking care of your pocket.

Pressure cooker manufacturer Pritam International offers a variety of options for safe, healthy and economical cooking with pressure cookers.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Buying The Best Pressure Cooker Through Retail Outlets

The pressure cooker efficiency is important to help you cook food under pressure. The operating pressure has to remain constant throughout the cooking cycle. Thus, the need is to find the best utensil that can meet your objectives.

First of all, you need to think how to use the pressure cooker. Whether it is for boiling, stewing, or braising or for any other cooking method, you need to find the best product for your needs. Here are some facts you need to consider for buying the best pressure cooker:

Today’s pressure cookers are updated and simple to use. There are some high-tech models in the market that are available with detachable timers and some easy-lock systems. Some reputable Pressure Cooker Manufacturers make good-quality simple pan with a long handle to offer more versatility.

Though the pressure cookers work on the same principle, but they vary hugely in terms of cost. Generally, more expensive models are made of good quality metals with a thicker base. Also, the size also matters. Therefore, analyze your needs and find the one that suits you the best.

These days, many pressure cookers come with more than one pressure for cooking different food items. Such items provide versatility in cooking of various items of foods.

What forms of warranty does the manufacturer offers also matters. The warranty should be long enough to find the best return on investment. Compare various offers provided by different manufacturers to ensure you get the right product.

Pritam International is one of the prominent Pressure Cooker Exporters India where consumers can find the best product with impressive warranty.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Pressure Cookers – Features To Look For

As an educated consumer, you should always consider some important features while buying a pressure cooker. Here are some of the top features to look out for in a good pressure cooker:

Regulation of pressure

Pressure cooker is all about cooking the food under pressure therefore, being able to regulate and monitor the pressure inside the cooker is valuable. There are many models in the market which basically use three types of regulators – weighted valve regulators, sprint valves and modified weight valves. All the three are designed to work perfectly fine so choose what goes well for your needs.

Cooking racks

Many pressure cookers don’t come with a cooking rack, but it is a brilliant option to consider. With the racks, you can actually cook food above the liquid and you can also separate food from one another.

Cover interlock

Cover interlock is invaluable as it allows you to instantaneously release all of the built up pressure if the venting pipe becomes blocked for any reason. It is nothing more than a safety feature and you can consider it for the same reason.


Cookers by a reputable brand come with some warranty. You should definitely check the period of warranty to protect your appliance against future damages.


Of course, it is an important element to consider but you have to be ready to lose some extra money if select a powerful model with smart features.

Pritam International, one of the leading Pressure Cooker Manufacturers India, offers some of the best cookers with highly advanced features.